Sunday, November 1, 2015


Day 6
Today was our 6th and FINAL day of seeing the 2015 Houston Quilt Market & Festival.  The theme for today's post is appropriate, I think.  If you can't tell by the name of my website "Design On A Whim",  there is nothing...and I mean NOTHING  I appreciate more than whimsical!  Today's quilt photos focus entirely on my favorite WHIMSICAL QUILTS!

But first, I'll share a few other fun photos with you.  My Travel Companion this week has been Jan Sittler.  Not only is she my sister...She's also my Best Friend.  We are two peas in a pod and we have our mom to thank.  It was our mom who instilled a love of the textile arts and we've been enjoying our hobby ever since!  We had a ball together as we oohed and aaughed over the magnificent quilts and great classes we were exposed to.  We egged each other on to buy great stuff in the Merchant Mall.  We stayed up late talking, found great restaurants to dine at, and shared our excitement and enthusiasm we experienced along the way.  What wonderful "Sister-Time" this was!

Today was Halloween so there were some GREAT costumes.  Here are a few.

And now, I'll share some of my FAVORITE WHIMSICAL QUILTS!!!  One of my favorite special exhibits was called "Wild Fabrications", celebrating animals...both real, and fantasy.

There were quilts that made me laugh.

There were charming quilts.

There was a Face Quilt I loved!

There were City Quilts.

There was a 3-D Food in Fiber Challenge.  This one is by the Heidi Lund who does some pretty amazing work!

There were dolls. 

So you can see, ALL of these are whimsical.  I think WHIMSY appeals to the KID in me.  I may have wrinkles but I'm really just a KID on the inside.

And I'll end with several pictures of one of my favorite quilts.  It's a story quilt by Sandra Branjord.  It's a collaged quilt of her fantasy house.  It's odd, it's humorous, it's almost a little steam punkish and I absolutely LOVE it!!!

We arrived back in Nebraska this afternoon because ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END.  What a great week.  My mind is overflowing with creative ideas.  And after I finish my extra long workout in the morning (yes, I ate a lot last week), I'll be in my sewing room creating again.  Such happy memories of an absolutely unforgettable journey to Houston!!!

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